
Selecting an FTZ Warehouse Company: Key Considerations

Steve Schlecht
Written by
Steve Schlecht
Published on
August 2, 2024
Table of Contents

Choosing the right FTZ warehouse company is a critical decision for businesses looking to streamline their warehousing and distribution logistics. With the right FTZ warehouse, you can significantly reduce costs, improve efficiency, and enhance your global supply chain operations. 

But how do you select the right FTZ warehouse company? This blog will guide you through the key considerations to make an informed choice.

Understanding FTZ Warehouses

Before diving into the selection process, it's essential to understand what an FTZ warehouse is. An FTZ (Foreign-Trade Zone) warehouse is a secured area where imported goods can be stored without being subject to customs duties until they are moved into U.S. commerce. 

This offers significant cost-saving opportunities for businesses dealing with international trade.

Why Choose an FTZ Warehouse?

Opting for an FTZ warehouse can offer numerous benefits that can significantly enhance your business operations. Here are the top benefits:

1. Cost Savings

FTZ warehouses allow businesses to defer, reduce, or even eliminate customs duties on imported goods.

  • Deferral of Duties: Duties and taxes are deferred until goods leave the FTZ warehouse and enter the U.S. market, improving cash flow.
  • Reduction of Duties: No duties are paid on goods that are imported for assembly or manufacturing and then re-exported.
  • Elimination of Duties: Goods damaged or destroyed in the FTZ are exempt from duties.

For instance, a company imports electronic components into an FTZ warehouse. They can defer customs duties until the gadgets made from these components are sold in the U.S. If they export the finished gadgets, no duties are owed on the components. 

Damaged components in the FTZ are also duty-free, saving the company more money.

2. Improved Inventory Management

FTZ warehouses offer advanced inventory management capabilities, allowing better control over supply chains.

  • Real-Time Inventory Tracking: Advanced warehouse management systems (WMS) provide greater visibility and control over stock levels.
  • Enhanced Accuracy: Automated systems reduce human error, ensuring accurate and up-to-date stock levels.
  • Efficient Space Utilization: Logistics and space optimization techniques maximize storage efficiency.

Buske exemplifies this with its advanced inventory management capabilities. By utilizing real-time inventory tracking and warehouse management systems like Made4Net, Buske controls stock levels and provides unprecedented visibility. This approach ensures that all logistical operations are streamlined and responsive to changing market demands.

3. Increased Flexibility

FTZ warehouses provide businesses with increased operational flexibility.

  • No Time Constraints on Re-Exporting: Goods can be stored indefinitely without the time constraints that apply to customs bonded warehouses like ours in Old Castle, Ontario.
  • Customizable Operations: FTZ warehouses can accommodate various business needs, from simple storage to complex manufacturing and assembly processes.
  • Deferred Compliance Requirements: Compliance with certain customs regulations can be deferred until goods leave the FTZ.

For example, a company storing luxury goods in an FTZ warehouse can keep them indefinitely without time constraints. They can also handle complex tasks like custom packaging and assembly within the FTZ. 

Full customs compliance is only required when the goods leave the FTZ, offering greater flexibility.

Key Considerations When Selecting an FTZ Warehouse Company

1. Compliance with FTZ Warehouse Requirements

Ensure that the FTZ warehouse company complies with all federal regulations and FTZ warehouse requirements. This includes proper documentation, security measures, and adherence to customs procedures. 

Non-compliance can lead to severe penalties and disruptions in your supply chain.

2. Experience and Expertise

Look for FTZ warehouse companies with extensive experience and expertise in handling FTZ operations. Companies like Buske Logistics, which has been in the industry for over 100 years, can offer invaluable insights and services to enhance your logistics operations.

3. Technology and Infrastructure

A state-of-the-art warehousing facility equipped with advanced technology is crucial. This includes warehouse management systems (WMS), real-time inventory tracking, and automated processes that ensure efficiency and accuracy.

4. Location and Accessibility

The location of the FTZ warehouse plays a significant role in your logistics strategy. Choose a warehouse that is strategically located near major ports, highways, and distribution centers. This reduces transportation costs and improves delivery times.

5. Customer Service and Support

Excellent customer service is a hallmark of a reliable FTZ warehouse company. Ensure that the company offers responsive support and transparent communication. This can significantly impact your operational efficiency and overall experience.

6. Security Measures

Given the high value of goods stored in FTZ warehouses, robust security measures are essential. Look for warehouses with 24/7 surveillance, restricted access, and comprehensive security protocols to protect your assets.

Buske reinforces these measures with 24/7 surveillance and robust security systems, including solutions from Atlas Security, Bay Alarm, and Interface Systems. This multi-layered approach ensures the integrity and safety of stored goods across all its facilities.

7. Scalability and Flexibility

Your business needs may change over time, and your warehousing solution should be able to adapt. Choose an FTZ warehouse company that offers scalability and flexibility in terms of space and services.

Sustainability and Environmental Impact

In today's business environment, sustainability is becoming increasingly important. Consider FTZ warehouse companies that prioritize green practices and are committed to reducing their environmental impact. This could include:

  • Energy-Efficient Facilities: Warehouses that use renewable energy sources, energy-efficient lighting, and HVAC systems.
  • Waste Reduction Programs: Implementation of recycling and waste management programs to minimize landfill waste.
  • Sustainable Supply Chain Practices: Warehouses that work with suppliers and partners committed to sustainability.

FAQs About Selecting an FTZ Warehouse Company

1. What is an FTZ warehouse and why is it beneficial?

An FTZ warehouse is a secure area where imported goods can be stored without being subject to customs duties until they are moved into U.S. commerce. The benefits include cost savings, improved inventory management, and increased operational flexibility.

2. What are the key considerations when selecting an FTZ warehouse company?

Key considerations include compliance with FTZ regulations and requirements, experience and expertise, technology and infrastructure, location and accessibility, customer service and support, security measures, and scalability and flexibility.

3. How can Buske Logistics help with FTZ warehousing needs?

Buske Logistics offers extensive experience, state-of-the-art technology, strategic locations, excellent customer service, robust security measures, and scalable solutions tailored to meet your specific FTZ warehousing needs.

Making the Right Choice

Selecting the right FTZ warehouse company can significantly impact your business's efficiency and bottom line. By considering factors like compliance, experience, technology, location, customer service, security, and scalability, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your business objectives.

At Buske Logistics, we’re dedicated to providing top-notch FTZ warehousing solutions tailored to your needs. Discover how our expertise can streamline your warehousing and distribution operations. Contact us today to see how we can help your business thrive!